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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905

Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-4.pdf

Revision as of Feb 22, 2025, 8:05:53 PM, created by

4 dinner. he cleaned out the north pigpen all that was not frozen Teu 11. raining most of the day. roads quite muddy I went down to sweep Olly Dell over to get some one to help Marjorie went with him. Paul caught 6 fish. Will butchering 3 pigs they weighed 308 & old 5 to farmer Mr Creskie he & Fannie went down with them after dinner got 25 [[[pd?]] worth of bran Fannie came over at night and stayed She heard Frank Miller was worse. I set the black hen on 15 eggs Wed 12 beautiful day but had frost at night. Paul went to Chippawa had 2 1/2 doz eggs @ 15 Maggie Heximer called on her way from school house. Mary Riexinger called for her mail Fannie went to Marshalls for a visit. Will went to Russ Hartlys raising. I baked bread had it baked at 1 Oclock. I wrote to Mrs Kent. Thurs 13. I mended Pauls pants the first thing in the morning so he could go to James Dells & see how Mrs Smith was & see about hay The cattle are out starving in the field nothing but marsh grass or rushes. heavy frosts stunts the grass. However Mr. James Dell was kind enough to give us a load of hat Bill Montague draw it for us after Paul went away I went to work & got out everything out of the woodhouse & cleared it up such nice sunshine & strong wind it did the things good when Paul

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