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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905

Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-8.pdf

Revision as of Feb 23, 2025, 10:16:45 PM, edited by

in the big wagon. Arthur making fence around the barn yard. Paul & he started the poultry netting around the garden. I had Paul oppening a drain from the barn on the forenoon & cleaning the barn yard. The boys finished ploughing at noon opposite the school house Teu 9 dreadful cold this morning chills one in the bone. I feel sorry for the cattle going out so Early without anything to eat & a fresh mill cow, poor little humpback. Sow bedding. Will kiled his pigs in the forenoon & took them to Speck in the afternoon. Hattie went with hin & took 3 1/2 of eggs. got some meat & bran for us his pigs weighed 2.74. meeting at the church tonight We got up something to pay the minister. Howard Dell came to make fence. had to go home again. Will could not help. Cold all day sunshine most of the time then it would cloud up like snow. I hung the white clothes out had sun shine full strong north east wind my hands get numb hanging them out then I washed out 3 blankets one had been on Paul's bed all winter something terrible & all the rest of the woolens. I went to bed about frozen. Wed 10. cold yet. I washed the colored things. I was tired when I 12 started in tired when I got through I put out some flowering peas for Marjorie & her doters? Paul working at the garden fence & drained up the boards & pools from down the road. McPherson brought their furnishings & the chairs for the church. Howard Dell here all day making fence. Thur 11 Sprinkled rain at time & looked like rain all day. I9 chicks out of Dells eggs. Paul went to fish for an hour & stayed nearly 8 & caught one little fish. Paul & I washed the carpet & fixed the lounge & made rising ? at night up 3 ?eams? on the oat ground they finished it all but ditching Friday 12 the day rather hot gets cool at night left Topsy out for the first. Paul went to Chippawa had 5 dozen eggs @ 14. He got 50 lbs of midlings 65 cts & paid 31 for corn meal Will got Teusday. I baked bread cleaned the Red Cherry sowed one bed in the garden Hattie & Clara went over to James Dell to see about when they will have the posters?

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