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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905

Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-9.pdf

Revision as of Feb 23, 2025, 10:34:19 PM, created by

Sat 13 beautiful day. I put down the carpet & took up the oil cloth & nailed it down. Mary Riexinger called. Will called to get the horse to go to Chippawa to get his money from Speck. Maggie called & stayed too long. I did not get the pumkin fries made. Hattie went to James Dells & the girls rode back, Marjorie & Fannie Sun 14 rain in the morning. beautiful growing weather. I set our Turkey yesterday & a hen the day before. The girls gone to the brick church Aniversary Sermons at the Brick. Hattie is here tonight. Will over tonight. The girls gone ti the Brick tonight. Mon 15. very cool & windy I worked in the garden after I washed dishes. I put on ? big beds onion seed, pepper seed & a big bed of peat & a lot of ground ready to sow. Marjorie cleaned her bedroom. Paul making a fence at the head of the garden. Will & Pell work Fannie over to James Dells Teu 16 looks like rain, Marjorie went to Chippawa to get wall paper paid 25 cts pr roll. 4 rolls & 3 of ceiling. I got Paul at the barn to clean out but he is so lazy. I swept back room & scrubbed the stoop & got dinner when Marjorie came and took up the room carpet. Marjoriie put one roll on the ceiling. Hattie to Some event in Port ?

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