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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-10.pdf
Revision as of Feb 26, 2025, 8:41:06 PM, edited by
16 Sat 20 a beautiful all but a cold north west wind go right through one frost last night & going to be one tonight. I made 8 pumkin pues & swept both rooms & dusted then went to see May and stayed for tea. Marjorie working at the front room & repoted her plants their furnitures came from Welland Pel got our corn meal 31 ct. sent 2 dox & 3 egg @ 16 gal. Electric oil & beet seed. Sun 21 a grand day Marjorie & Paul went to church. Fannie here to tea. They went to Saurs church, both girls were here in the afternoon. Mon 22 Marjorie fell so mean she did not go to James Dells she had rheumatism she could not do anything. I put out the beds & carrots & helped with 4 rows of potatoes. They are putting in their peas. Teu 23 I put in my flower bed box here in the yeard & my others in yesterday. got six hills of squash in after dinner. We planted the rest of the potatoes 13 rows with beans. Marjorie washed out some of her things & washed the front room windows Wed 24 Holiday. big time at Chippawa. I swept & dusted the school house feel as if I was pounded all over working on the ground so much & stooping over. Paul is helping Will with his potatoes. he furrowed our ground yesterday. Marjorie has gone to James Dells & Fannie came home Lucy had a calf. Paul & I had a big time getting her up in the barn. I took the tacks out of the carpet & take it & the straw & papers out & sweep such a time moving every thing out of the room Thurs 25 I cleaned the floor & washed the wood work. Paul made a pen for the calf & guarded the cows. I took up the pantry oil cloth & my carpet. started to rain in the night & it poured at times. Hattie came & stayed all night. Friday 26 rained all day nearly & poured in night. The road is like a little lake in front of the barn. Everything a a foot deep in water. I put down the carpet & got the things back moveing them so much I got tired of it. Fanny went yesterday to Clifton. Hattie went dow to Chippawa & brought her home. Sat 26 I papered the corner behind the lounge washed the curtains & windows & scrubbed the kitchen floor where there was no carpet done so many little things that dont count. Paul went to Chippawa got 25 lbs beans & loaves of bread 12 lb tea had 8 doz eggs