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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905

Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-22.pdf

Revision as of Feb 26, 2025, 7:37:20 PM, created by

40 Wed 16. The boys started to cut oat here after dinner Paul cut a little wood on the fornoon then fidled the rest of the time untill Marjorie came home from Drummondville she went in the morning. took 19 lbs 6 oz to Adens a 18 payed 2.50 on the bill. got my slippers at Fern Robinsons. Robert McOliver Eva Mrs Dell for dinner over there & tea here. Will & Hattie here too. Thur 17. I washed all the fornoon. Marjorie cut out my waist. Hattie & her mother to Chippawa just got home when Mrs Kent came had to get her dinner then clean up the kitchen & churn when we went to the other house & Marjorie fixed up the bed room. Colly Reavely came to the other house. Min Marshall there to tea Friday 18. Paul to Hewsons got a $1.00. Mrs Kent to dinner in the other house. After dinner Hattie & Olly took her to Chippawa. I finished the washing after she left. Sat. 19 Paul at Marl. Dells pulling beans. made 85 ds took Lucy to McCredies. Marjorie to Mrs Reebs & made 50 cts. I swept & cleaned all around & made ginger cookies, tarts & a custard pie started to rain & rained hard in the night. without thunder. The girls got in the rain going & part of the way with Min & Yancy Young. I went down & cut clover for the pigs

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