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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905

Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-25.pdf

Revision as of Feb 26, 2025, 10:12:12 PM, created by

Thur 7 five years yesterday Pa died. Reebs threshing I made two pies, Elderberry, then churned took about two hours, just got through when Jane Simpson came or tea. Paul went after elderberries got a basket & a pail full. Paul went after the bushels of onions to Reebs. Marjorie came home sick. Arthur helping to thresh. Bertha Miss Miller in the other house Friday 8 five years ago today Pa was burried. I baked two loaves of bread, made a big kettle of Chili sauce stood & stired it all the time the bread was baking cleaned all the elderberries cleaned all the evening untill eleven Oclock Maggie took 1 1/2 doz eggs @ 2 ct to Reebs ot 1/2 lb tea & Keens mustard. Fannie rode down as far as Chippawa with her bought her here safely. I brought over two jars of tomatoes from the cellar sealed a year ago as good as the day done up I opened them & made ketchup. Hattie stayed all night. beautiful moonlight & such cool nights they are fixing their ground ready to sow when it rains. Sat 9. Fred Dell threshed. Will helped him. Arthur & the girls were going to Sharps but it was so hot everything went wrong yesterday the pigs got out house? & I turned out the cows & did not know Bess was running & such a time as I had when he went to Heximers to tell Maggie that Marjorie was not going with her to town. I churned & pickled the elderberries with 3 lbs sugar & a qt of vinegar cooked 1 1/2 hours, made 3 pies swept & cleaned both rooms & scrubbed the stoops & boards washed kitchen windows.

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