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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-34.pdf
Revision as of Feb 27, 2025, 10:34:06 PM, created by
Mon 6 rained part of the night raining when we got up & off & on most of the day Mrs Walmsly brought the teacher. we had a chicken for supper. I made two pumkin pies & swept back rooms & boiled pig feed. Teu 7 looked as if we were going to have Indian Summer but turned & rained in the afternoon Marjorie & Hattie went to Drummondville had 13 3/4 butter @ 24 butter came to 3.30 sage. 10 cheese 17 coffee 25 tea 25 pain killer 25 gal oil 20 3 yds flannel & 4 castor oil 15. velveteen 50 socks 13 sodas 30 Raisins 16. 3.30 raining when they came home. I churned & worked the butter at night & pealed pear. I clean picked a chicken for supper. snowed in the night Wed 8 snow over everything but melting off The house turned cold in the afternoon Marjorie baking bread. I emptied the rag box a barrel full & two bags full got the settee out in wood house emptied the meal barrel. I was bussy all day at cleaning up the woodhouse, & boiling pig feed Arthur ploughing in the eleven acre field Thur 9 ground froze this morning when I went down to sweep & make fire. The school house something terrible. I churned & worked the butter for ourselves Mrs Reebs & the children to Tea. I made a cake & tarts for supper. Marjorie working at her jacket. Arthur started to plough in the pasture field the first time a furrow has been turned in 20 years.