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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-38.pdf
Revision as of Feb 28, 2025, 9:02:52 PM, created by
14 1/2 lbs In Kester @ 24 - 342 got me a pair of shoes 1.25 a pair of rubbers 75 cts five yds flannelette 50 cts sugar 25 tea 25 butter cotton 15 yds cakes 5 salmon 15 vanilla 10 Washing soda 3 nails 4. Fannie came over with her work stayed a long time. She mixed the bread befor she went & I baked it & made an elderberry pie, swept & put down my bedroom carpet - cleaned up one shelf in the cupboard & got some milk in. The cats all sick with the Diarhea. The little brown duck has been sick for a week doctoring her all the time but she dont get any better. fixed over my drawer made them shorter & put buttons & button holes on two pair Sun 3 dreary looking day. church Sunday no one from her Marjorie has a cold. 13 in church. Hattie over this afternoon had to go home Expected Clara. duck a little better. Misener the store keeper in Drummondville burried yesterday. 4 years ago tonight poor Mother breather her last Mon 4 snowed quite a lot in the night drifted some. sunshine part of the time & dull part of the dday not a verry nice day & could not let the hens out & the cows were in all day. Arthur put up the room stove & Marjorie put the fire in not long the chimney was on fire made quite a roar for a time. I churned & worked the butter & made a layer cake. Marjorie swept & cleaned up the front room. Paul drawed up some stumps & some rails. Teu 5 Not a bad day. wind south west. Paul took down the feather ticks & everything from aboay? & all the boxes. The cats all sick. he carrued in the oats out of the big box. I made corn starch pudding for supper swept * dusted the school house. Marjorie fixing her at over