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Mary Ann King Diary, 1905
Mary Ann King 1905 Diary-39.pdf
Revision as of Feb 28, 2025, 9:34:53 PM, created by
73 Turned cold in the night - about 3 in the morning & froze some. I cleaned up the pantry & blacked the stove swept & made a pie boiled pumkins & squash for supper. Paul went after Georges cart. I went after Marjorie started about 5 Oclock. got home late took 1 1/2 dozen eggs & 28 per doz & 4 1/2 butter @24. bought 2 tomatoes @5. bottle eclectric oil. 25 bromide gumme 25 2 pint 10 soda 5 raisins 10. soap 5 salmon 10. due bill 63. Fannie Arthur & Hattie over in the evening. they did not get home untill late. I made ginger cookies & milked 2 cows Sun 10 cold north west wind. The poor ducks hobling around yet. Arthur in the evening & Mary Jane Sommerville to tea at least we gave her a lunch she stayed untill 1 Oclock sun part of the time & dull part of the time Mon 11 looked like a storm spit rain once ?? I churned worked the butter made ginger patty pan cakes high wind from the south west in the fornnoon we had fresh roast pork for supper Marjorie swept & cleaned up the front room. Will went to pay his taxes Teu 12. dull part of the time with a little sun shine spit snow towards night. keeps soft Arthur finished ploughing down in the corner by the school house & the head land. I made 2 pies pumkin pies & plum tarts. had pan cakes for dinner Paul guarded the cows. Marjorie fixed her tweed waist & sleeves. I worked on Jims mittens the first for a long time its snowing tonight perhaps tomorrow The cows will not be lying down in the field full