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Ernest Buck Diary, 1926

Ernest Buck Diary 1926 5.pdf

Revision as of Nov 16, 2023, 10:16:17 PM, edited by

Sunday January 10

Last night was the first night all of us slept under one roof since February 27th 1926. Turned out blustery in afternoon. Dad and rest of family drove car to church in morning. Didn't go to see Jean as night so mu cold was pretty bad.

Monday January 11

My cold wasn't in very food condition all day but was out to the barn for a few minutes when Uncle Ern cam over. Dandy time playing cards when he taught us how to play "blind Charlie". Jean called up.

Tuesday January 12

When I first got up my head felt pretty good but later I had severe pains in it so Mother put me to bed. Mr and Miss O'Neil Mr an Mrs Wells were here for dinner. Great feed including ice creammade by Prof C. Buck Jr.

Wednesday January 13

My head ached ass day so I didn't enjoy myself very much

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