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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 81..pdf
Revision as of Jan 26, 2025, 7:23:59 PM, created by
Saturday September 9th
We got up very ;ate tis morning I disked all. orning with the big team and Daddy had he little team on the harrows. It was very hot and I was about half asleep ands ther blooming thing seemed to go all wrong. Dad went over this morning to see if he could borrow Mr. Vyse's roller ut Mr. Flemming had it, so he went over to Mr. McBride's at noon and borrowed his. This afternoon it was cooler with a little breeze and I finished disking and Daddy rolled with the little team till about four o'clock and then we put the big team on the roller and I took the little team up the poor little things were pretty tired and ringing wet. I did the chores up before tea.
Edith and B. Kain were here to tea. After tea we fooled around (see inside