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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911

Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 81..pdf

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Saturday September 9th

We got up very late this morning I disked all morning with the big team and Daddy had the little team on the harrows. It was very hot and I was about half asleep and the blooming thing seemed to go all wrong. Dad went over this morning to see if he could borrow Mr. Vyse's roller but Mr. Flemming had it, so he went over to Mr. McBride's at noon and borrowed his.

This afternoon it was cooler with a little breeze and I finished disking and Daddy rolled with the little team till about four o'clock and then we put the big team on the roller and I took the little team up the poor little things were pretty tired and ringing wet. I did the chores up before tea.

Edith and B. Kain were here to tea. After tea we foolled around (see inside {Margin note} front of cover of this book). Enah and I went down as far as Martin's hen pens with them & Daddy went to sleep. Lila and Dorothy McCall were over too this after noon but did not stay to tea. Mr. Shey who had a stroke the other day and has been rapidly sinking died this after noon about half past five.

Sunday September 10th

Had a good sleep this morning and went down to church and Sunday School but do not have to go early now as Mr. Wiser is back on the job, by the way he has not paid me yet, two spot coming from that direction. Stayed at Aunty Maude's to dinner and then went up town and fooled around with Murray who is greatly exercised over the report that Perce Brook & Lena Gilbert are married having been hitched in Simcoe last night. He came over here and we roamed around and he inspected the piano & cream separator and stayed to tea. We walked down to church after tea and Daddy and Enah drove down. Mr. Johnson had to bring his dog out during service as it came up the isle and to the pulpit. It came up this morning near the end of the service. Mr. Davis patted it for awhile and then it went over and lay on the register till church got out. {Margin note} I was helping the organ with Wiser and after church Murray and I walked down to the pier where we found Hazen and Roy Dell we sat there for awhile till all the people left and then they walked up to the head of Main St with me and I came home for tea. It has been pretty hot to-day. The population of Dover is increasing. Liz. Jackson {illegible} had twins lately and Stan {Brock?} {illegible} made father to-day. Tige was not here to-night when we all came home and has not turned up yet. Daddy killed a crow to-day he just had the gun at his hip and {happened to pull the trigger as the crow flew away?}

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