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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 133..pdf
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[The writing on this page has a line scored through it all}.
Saturday December 30th
Did a few chores then Dick and I went down town about eleven. I got my hair cut and a pair of jack boots from Andrew. The pond seemed quite safe but we didn't go out and there were several skating on the {illegible} by Krill's. Ferries came over this afternoon and we all went back skating again we went up as far as McPhersons on the north {creek?} but it was not so good as the other. It began to snow and we came up and played hide and seek in the barn the rest of the afternoon. I sawed a little wood before tea. Dick lost his knife in the straw. Andrew most of the evening. Dark cloudy Day and snowed a lot.
Sunday December 31st
Snowed a lot during the night but rained and froze before morning. We boys and Aunty went down town church & Sunday-school. Dad and Enah did not come down. Aunty did not come back.