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Theobald "Toby" Barrett Diary, 1911
Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 133..pdf
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{Page} 108
{The writing on this page has been scored through}.
Saturday December 30th
Did a few chores then Dick and I went down town about eleven. I got my hair cut and a pair of jack boots from Andrew. The pond seemed quite safe but we didn't go out and there were several skating on the creek up by Krill's. Ferdie came over this after-noon and we all went back skating again we went up as far as McPhersons on the north creek but it was not so good as the other. It began to snow and we came up and played hide and seek in the barn the rest of the after-noon. I sawed a little wood before tea & drew most of the evening. Dick lost his knife in the straw. Dark cloudy Day and snowed a lot. {Margin note} and is snowing to-night. Frank found two or three dandelions out to-day which we thought very strange
Sunday December 31st
Snowed a lot during the night but rained and froze before morning. We boys and Aunty went down to church & Sunday-school, Dad and Enah did not come down. Aunty did not come back. We all stayed home this afternoon. I drew a little and started to read "Never too late to Mend," which I read all evening. There was no service at seven to-night but will be at mid-night. It rained a lot to-day and is blowing up a ferocious gale to night. ({illegible})
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- Copy the text as it is, including misspellings and abbreviations.
- Start each new day with a new line. Otherwise ignore spacing and alignments.
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- Use toolbar comment option to add your own comments, i.e. illegible text or uncertain names or description of drawings.
- Use toolbar stroke through text option to transcribe crossed-out text.
- When done press "Save Transcription" to save your work.
- Note: If a line on one page appears to carry over on the same line on the next page, please check the next page and (if applicable) transcribe both pages together as if they are one page. Type your unified transcription under the first of the two pages.
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