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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881
Revision as of Nov 7, 2023, 4:09:39 PM, edited by
Rates of Postage.
Canada Post Card................ One Cent. Canada Post Card for U. S....... " "
On Letters Per Half Ounce.
To any part of Dominion of Canada or United States, 3 cents-must be prepaid. " Newfoundland, 5 cents-must be prepaid. All main matter (excepting samples of Merchandise) to and from the United States, is the same as to any part of Canada, and must be prepaid.Great Britain and Ireland, by Canadian or New York Mail Steamers, 5 cents.
Newspapers and Periodicals.
Newspapers and Periodicals, less than one oz. each, posted singly, prepaid. 1/2 cent each ; if under 4 ozs. 1 cent. Printed and published in Canada, and posted from Office of Publication or News Agency, to regular Subscribers or News Agents, for each 1 lb. or fraction of 1 lb., 1 cent prepaid. Posted singly to Great Britain and Ireland, 2 cents per 4 oz., prepaid.
Books, Circulars, Documents, Policies. &c.
For each 4 ozs., or fraction of 4 ozs., 1 cent, prepaid, to be open at both ends.
Commercial Paper, Documents, &c.
To United Kingdom, 5 cts. for first 2 ozs. ; 1 ct for each additional 2 ozs., or fraction thereof.
Parcel Post.
Not to exceed 5 lbs. to any part of Canada, 6 cts. per 4 ozs. ; 12 cts. for 8 ozs., and 6 cts. for each additional 4 ozs.
Pattern and Sample Post.
Canada-must be prepaid by postage stamps at the rate of one cent per 4 ozs. To United States, not exceeding 1/2 lb., 10 cts.