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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881
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MAY.-5th MONTH. 1881.
23. MONDAY. [143-222]
Ploughing stumpy part of field across creek the ground is dry & hard now. I got a good piece turned over. Willie was picking stones in grass field out of the wat of mower. Very hot day.
24. TUESDAY. [144-221]Queen's Birthday - Born 1819 - Bank Holiday.
The 24th of May Ploughing across creek till supper time then I had holiday. Very warm day few rigs on the road today to be the 24th There were two weedings in this neighbourhood today.
25. WEDNESDAY. [145-220]
Finished ploughing across creek in forenoon Willie took over seed & harrows & took off stumps. Afternoon I took two year old heifer to bull. Willie was harrowing Father sowing Evening lit 4 heaps in fallow near R. McLeods fence. They burned gloriously sparks rising 70 feet.
26. THURSDAY. [146-219]
Willie was harrowing forenoon I was at five & gathering out sticks & stumps from fence. Afternoon fixed 2/3 south end of fallow had fine fair breeze and good burn then being so much old stuff in it. Burning 4 panels of R. McLeods old fence was the only mischief done. Hope we may get the other end burned soon. Got home to bed at 9 oclock
27. FRIDAY. [147-218]
Father finished sowing grass seeds & Willie finished harrowing at 10 oclock. I damed up creek & made good place to wash sheep in & got them washed by 12 oclock. Afternoon gathered stones on turnip land & Willies gang ploughing it after supper. I was building fence at fire evening. Slight shower at 4 oclock the thunder is booming now so we expect more.
28. SATURDAY. [148-217]
29. SUNDAY. A after Ascension [149-216]