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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881
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1881. 31 & 30 DAYS. MAY & JUNE.
30. MONDAY. [150-215]
Willie gang ploughed all the remainer of turnip land today & I gather all the stones in forenoon with Fan. Afternoon made gate awhile then clipped 2 sheep before supper & 4 after. Very pleasant day cool & dry
31. TUESDAY. [151-214]
Harrowing turnip land I finished clipping sheep 4. Afternoon ploughed knolls alongside board fence then scraped them into hollows & made it level, which inproves the appearance greatly & will facilitate the putting on of the boards likewise. Pleasant day with few drops of rain. Got a load of hay for Owen Sound tomorrow.
1. JUNE-WEDNESDAY. [152-213]
Drew out load of hay out of barn & finished it as barn door is too low to let out a full load. Got away a 7oclock. had fine cool day. but no demand for hay. Gave it to W. Watson @ $7 per ton had on 21.00 = 7.35 market fees 20 c
2. THURSDAY. [153-212]
3. FRIDAY. [154-211]
4. SATURDAY. [155-210] Easter Term ends.
5. WHIT-SUNDAY. [156-209] Pentecost.