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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881


Revision as of Nov 15, 2023, 3:48:22 PM, edited by

1881. 30 DAYS. JUNE.

13. MONDAY. [164-201]

Took off some stones & stated to drill Dug some stones at noon then drilling till suppertime. Had a very high wind yesterday & today it was higher Dust blowing of turnips fields in clouds. So it was disagreeable working. Evening went a few rounds when it came on a severe thunderstorm & {huracane?} sweeping down trees & fence by rods. We had to build fences till dark to keep out own cattle out of crop & some at cow. There are 28 rods to build yet

14. TUESDAY. [165-200]

Opened 14 drills more; there are 65 now then drew out 2 loads dung before dinner & 9 after which manured 27 drills. Father & Annie spreading Willie drew some rails to low parts of fences in the morning Breezy day & cool.

15. WEDNESDAY. [166-199]

Drawing out manure 16 loads and there are now 63 drills manured spread & ready to cover in. Fine cool day but dry. Mare has not colted yet 3 weeks past her time (or 11 months) & 3 weeks today.

16. THURSDAY. [167-198] Corpus Christi.

Started to cover in with the one furrow rather wide land but 1/2 being along the side of knoll I can turn the furrow down on dung instead of up. Got the 63 drills finished in forenoon which kept me busy. Afternoon sowing got them finished alittle after supper. Had slight shower as we were finishing & looks like more & I hope it will come Good night

17. FRIDAY. [168-197]

Opened 40 drills with one furrow the first I have ever tried. They are pretty straight but I have 2 drills in the middle a little wider than the rest However that is of little moment when the speed is considered. I had them opened at 10 oclock, then put out 14 loads of manure before night 2 1/2 drills to manure tomorrow. We had a splendid nights rain last night which will do a great amount of good. as the ground was very dry

18. SATURDAY. [169-196] Battle of Waterloo.

19. SUNDAY. 1 after Trinity. [170-195]

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