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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881
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JUNE.-6th MONTH. 1881.
20. MONDAY. [171-194] Accession of Queen Victoria 1837.
Cross ploughing for turnips, had Fan afternoon as Prince was at blacksmiths shop Got it all ploughed & part of it harrowed. Evening took fat sheep up to Wards corner to King who bought her on Monday 6th at $5
21. TUESDAY. [172-193] Proclamation of Queeen Victoria.
Willie got Jacksons light rig & took Annie to town (on her way to Uxbridge) with Prince I had Fan & Brish harrowing & planking till alittle after dinner then raised 41 drills with one furrow & came out splendid just right so I will be more able to try again. Willie got home all right. Rather cool tonight I suppose it will freeze.
22. WEDNESDAY. [173-192]
Put out 11 loads manure before 1 oclock which did 23 drills. Then at D. Gilchrists raising a barn 40 x 60 got finished at dusk all right. Father & Willie finished spreading 23 drills. Mare has not colted yet & it will be a year on saturday first. I believe I will have to sit up tonight & keep her company now & again. Uncle W. raise his building tomorrow so we will not get turnips finished. 25 minutes to 12 oclock oh sweet sleep.
23. THURSDAY. [174-191]
Drew out 8 loads manure which finished the turnips manuring for a season. Afternoon at Uncle Williams raising a building for hay & straw with stone stable under. 30 x 60 got it up well it is a first rate building & fitted to give great accomodation. Father & Willie were spreading manure Mare has not colted yet. It has been bery cold all day & is still cold.
24. FRIDAY. [175-190] St. John Baptist - Midsummer Day.
25. SATURDAY. [176-189]
26. SUNDAY. [177-188]