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James Bremner Jr. Diary, 1881


Revision as of Nov 15, 2023, 4:40:22 PM, edited by

1881. 30 & 31 DAYS. JUNE & JULY.

27. MONDAY. [178-187]

Finished road work on Con. in forenoon Afternoon rained till 6 oclock good heavy rain. We turned to the making of gate for roadside got it all dressed with plane & put together so far. The braces & pins are not put on yet. The 2 year old heifer bought og R. Campbell calved tonight in bush. We gave it a good suck & milked some from her & left them there.

28. TUESDAY. [179]

Drew all the logs out of creek below garden & made a large heap of them but they will take awhile to dry before they burn. Afternoon took home heifer & calf. & fixed gap in bush fence. Then draw off stone pits in garden & put the stones at creek banks to prevent water from fretting them away. also started to build a covenient place to dip water no colt as yet.

29. WEDNESDAY. [180-185]

At road work on townline we had four days so we got done tonight. Willie lost his thumb nail last night by a pinch from a stone but we got on to watch gaps & I had horses & waggon. At gate awhile in the evening A fine comet appreared unanounced on Thursday (23rd) of last week It is the first comet I ever saw & is said to be the comet of 1812

30. THURSDAY. [181-184]

1. JULY-FRIDAY. [182-183] Long Vacation Begins - Dominion Day - Bank Holiday

2. SATURDAY. [183-182]

3. SUNDAY. 3 after Trinity. [184-181]

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