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Sarah Walton Diary, 1883

SarahWaltonDiary_1883 3.pdf

Revision as of Jul 14, 2024, 6:27:38 PM, created by

March 31, 1883 Sat. Sweet Seventeen Mar. 30 I had a party in evening to commemorate the day after Guests as follows: - A A. GE. MC. E.E.W. E & A Bray. A & A Curtis. Emma and Gordon down had “Selfish” charade. Our school exam same day. Mr. Peacock there. Went to Bronte on my birthday. We were singing at night. I went to Davidson’s school this winter I must not retire and I pray God as I grow? in years. I may also grow in grace and in the knowledge of my Savior Jesus Christ. Sun. Apr. 1st. All went to S.S. Mr. Ferguson preached. Edie Eng. not home. We were alone in evening. Ap 2nd. Went to school. Ap. 3rd. Went to school. Came home at 3 o’clock. quilted. Ma went to Engledens?---- & Williams. Net & Annie are writing this evening. Ap. 4th. Ma went home with Emma and Gordon. I went to school. (Yeus? got following note:

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