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Sarah Walton Diary, 1883
SarahWaltonDiary_1883 58.pdf
Revision as of Feb 6, 2025, 5:16:13 AM, created by
picked some apples got cleaned up, mended muslin dress got tea & Annie & I went to Bronte to Nelson's & P.O. I got a letter from D.E.M.L. he thinks he will be down before next spring, he is going on a short visit out west in Oct so wants me to write before he goes. We played at Wilson's for a while, they were not in when we first went but soon came. Arvilla came to cor. with us met Ida & Net in stock feet. I blackened my boot read awhile & came to bed to write this, feeling kind of lonesome as it is raining quite hard.
Sept 2nd - Ma & pa went to Palermo to hear Bishop Carman preach as it was the re-opening after the repairing. Mrs. Foster came to tell me she could not go. We got ready for S.S. Annie & Nettie went first for I could not get my neck fixed & Ida was helping at last seh was going and went down