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Sarah Walton Diary, 1883
SarahWaltonDiary_1883 59.pdf
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steps and heel came off her boot so she could not go & it was so late & I got vexed I am sorry to say so I gave up of going {till?} church time. I got my dinner & then M.L. & I over to church S.S. being just out when we got there. Mr. Ferguson came late had no class meeting. A & I got home as far as gate & we looked back as far as cor. & we saw Laura & Ida coming she had come down with ma & pa so we run back to see her, came home played & singing had tea, sat around & talked nobody came for a wonder on Sun night. we all slept upstairs together.
Sept 3rd - A. Wilson came up for her plums, I got her a bouquet & walked down to P.O. with her in my wrapper there was nothing after all. I came back & tramped {corn?} down in barn all till 6 o'ck at night. Laura, Ida, Net went to Brays {in morning?} came home about 4. They said Dan would