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Sarah Walton Diary, 1883

SarahWaltonDiary_1883 60.pdf

Revision as of Feb 7, 2025, 5:45:03 AM, created by

take us {and them up to} {illegible} so A & I & Laura got ready but they did not come till after 7 & they only had the buggy then with Charlotte & {Ada some thought illegible} to take one buggy with {Bess} & Char. would not ride with Dan for he had the colt so Ada & I rode with him & A, Char & Laura drove our buggy. It was 8 or so when we got there & we had to wait so long for Dan to pull away {with horse} so we missed about half but the remaining part was grand. we saw such a lot of folks we knew we sat with Edith who had went up on Sunday & stayed till after

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