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Sarah Walton Diary, 1883

SarahWaltonDiary_1883 61.pdf

Revision as of Feb 7, 2025, 2:49:57 AM, created by

in Sheridan's store she grabed handfuls candies for girls & we parted. we got home precisely at 12 o'clk. The girls came in while Dan put out our horse and we gave them all some honey. it was awful cold. I got a letter from M.F.L. that day too. It being the 2nd one. he sent 3 of his cards all different & 1 blank one for J.W. but she had gone to Toronto to school again so I could not see her. I had to grab this one when she got done writing it he said. good, bad, indiff. So we came to bed very cold.

Sept 4th - Mrs. McCraney's baby girl born 3 in morning. I was very sleepy & sore but we washed. After dinner we hurried & got dishes washed so as to go to 2 o'ck train to meet Laura going home on it. We took a bouquet, can of honey & her gloves she left. But she did no go that day for when we had got home a while Minnie & her drove down it raining they only stayed till A came home from school. we left the honey at station she was to call

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