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Sarah Walton Diary, 1883

SarahWaltonDiary_1883 62.pdf

Revision as of Feb 8, 2025, 4:19:52 AM, created by

for it going home to Palermo & she was going to London in morning. It rained too hard for prayer meeting but Mr Ferguson was down.

Sept. 5 - Ironing. Ma went to Bronte. I fixed my old dress. Mrs. McKay & Ella came in afternoon. footing stockings. Ada Johnson Edna & {baby?} came up too here for tea. Miss English here for tea. Ella McC. came on errand. I practising after tea. Mr. Johnson here a long time talking till nearly 10.

Sept 6th - Washing fannels. Girls picking plums. I went to help them Net broke down on 2 limbs & went to the ground did not get hurt. We had corn for dinner & I was eating away when all at once some got in my toooth & made it jump with tooth ache, it was terrible I went to bed to cure it, but it did not stop that day. Annie wanted me to go to Ing. for all night that night but my tooth was too bad.

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