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Sarah Walton Diary, 1883

SarahWaltonDiary_1883 64.pdf

Revision as of Feb 8, 2025, 4:37:25 AM, created by

of me & I fell on the floor & he tried to pick me up and k- me but I pulled & jerked like everything to get away from him for I can not bear him so at last freed myself without any signs of a mark on my face. We played question & answer cards Bob asked the questions & we all answered in turn it was splendid fun. We also played "Ship's arrived" and paid forfeits. Viola redeemed the forfeits as E.I. held them over her head & she would tell the owner of the forfeits what they were to do. Jennie & Bob had to walk the "Cedar swamp" together & to "pick cherries" together and O he kissed her lots of times & she did not care. We had "Jacob's ladder" too & shooting the cannon off in which we all went on the floor. We had popped corn & lozengers to throw, and we all sang then A & I some comic pieces. And it poured

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