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Sarah Walton Diary, 1883
SarahWaltonDiary_1883 65.pdf
Revision as of Feb 8, 2025, 5:06:02 AM, created by
and rained & very dark so they said we would stay all night so we did rather then let B.J. come home with us for we know he would if we attempted to come. So he went home after a while. When we were playing Q & A cards B.J. asked Jennie the question "What was she going to do after she got married" & she said "Put my children to bed" & right after it she said "Counting chickens before they are hatched" & we all had such a nother laugh & shame as never was. After he had gone Wwe got ready for bed took all our boots off & threw them all in the very middle of the floor & they were there all night. When we got our night dresses on we had a prance around the rooms from one to other bedroom at last I got in with Edith in the back bedroom & 3 in the front one. E & I talked a long time before going to sleep. I told her