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William Henry Arkell Diary, 1908-1915

William Arkell, 1908-1915 5.pdf

Revision as of Dec 1, 2023, 1:59:56 AM, created by


26 Geo + Camish have been working at turnips I have been scrutineer at Goodfellows for P.H. McKenzie McKenzie received 65 votes + Donnelly 29. Lizzie, Annie + Helen were at town this afternoon

27 We have been working at turnips all day

28 We have been working at turnips Lizzie Annie + Helen attended thank offering meeting this afternoon at Knox Church

29 We finished turnips today 25 loads the poorest chop {crop?} we ever had

30 It has been snowing off and on all day Geo + I have been choring this morning Geo was splitting wood this afternoon. Lizzie Helen + I drove to Teeswater + to Shielfield.

31 Geo ploughing. I have been choring and went to town this afternoon

Nov 1 Annie + I went to church this morning + I attended Sunday School this afternoon this is the last Sunday for Sunday School

2 Geo ploughing. I have been choring + J Colom dehorned 14 cattled this afternoon have been cleaning furnace pipes, went to town this evening for new stovepipe elbo

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