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William Henry Arkell Diary, 1908-1915

William Arkell, 1908-1915 7.pdf

Revision as of Dec 1, 2023, 2:09:20 AM, created by

Nov been choring this morning + ploughing this afternoon. John + Jean Inglis came over this afternoon + they + Annie + I went in to hear Mr Bengangh in the PResbyterian church

10 Geo ploughing I went to town this morning + was ploughing this afternoon. John Aitken came for his lamb this morning

11 We were bedding sheep from this morning and ploughin this afternoon

12 Annie + were at town this morning and brought helen home a high-chair Geo was drawing out manure I have been setting hurdles in sheep yard + getting in sheep this afternoon

13 Geo drawing out manure I have been choring + cutting wood Ballagh came for his lamb

14 We were drawing in straw this morning + Liz I went to town this afternoon. Geo was drawing out manure this afternoon

15 Lizzie + I went to church this morning there were a few had their cutters out

16 Have been choring + was over to see Mr Buttons lambs this morning. Walter Jenson's started to work this morning

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