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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1915-1917

Frank McMillan Diary 1915-1917 8.pdf

Revision as of Sep 24, 2024, 7:36:36 PM, edited by

then Copenhagen Market then Success Cabbages about 4000 alltogether

Apri 29th Started planting strawberries

May 1st Finished patch of strawberries in John's field 30 rows on west side Pocomoke the rest are Gibsons. weather cold & showery

May 4th Finished planting strawberries in my place and also at home on Pocomoke. very cold & showery

May 5th planted a few trees filling up dead ones.

May 8th started Planting out Onions. weather has been showery nearly every day

May 10th Planting Onions. a very heavy frost last night

May 11th Finished planting Onions Planted 10 bushel of Irish Cobbler Potatoes also sowed Cauliflowers 1st 4 sashes Gilt Edge next 4 sash S.B. Snowball 2 ozs in all also 1 oz Red Cabbages seeds.

May 15 Hoeing strawberries frost again this morning.

May 18th very cold again heavy frost this morning froze lots of strawberrie blossoms.

May 20th very cold Planted sweet corn & Pumpkins

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