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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919

Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 13.pdf

Revision as of Nov 24, 2024, 5:07:11 PM, created by

Sept 28th have been just as busy as ever. Picked 600 to 800 bskts peppers this week also a lot of pears. about 300 bags carrots and 100 bags Turnips, some Tomatoes yet. weather cold. rough and windy but no frost yet

Oct 5th had a couple of heavy frost the past week. finished picking peppers & pears got Onions & squash inside picked Cranberry Pippin apples and started on Greening apples. weather showery rains about every day.

Oct 12 Have been picking and packing apples all week. this has been finest week for a long time fine and warm and no Rain.

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