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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919

Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 16.pdf

Revision as of Nov 24, 2024, 9:23:39 PM, edited by

year 1919

Jan 1st Motored to the city and brought Mr & Mrs and Lillie B. out for the day. drove them home again at night. Roads very bad. raining nearly all day.

Jan 2nd Unloading manure, have three cars in at once.

Jan 3rd Unloading manure. W. Cuttriss wanted me to go to Lodge. as it was Installation night, but was tired and did not go.

Jan 4th Finished unloading manure at noon. had nine cars and they cost us $620.22. Was down town at night, things very hot over the coming Election on Monday next. This was the coldest night this winter about 6 {from?} zero.

Jan 5th Had Jake Brant over to see us would think he owned Nicholson's Mill. but guess he will be around here in berry picking time. Motored to Hamilton in the evening met Lillie after church and spent a very pleasant evening.

Jan 6. a.m. sent Marchment cheque for last five cars of manure also to Cannon for feed in full to date and ordered our three cars of hot-bed manure to be shipped Feby 18th. March 5th & March 15th. Motored to Freeman and Aldershott to Vote.

p.m. went down town to hear Election returns. Dr Peart was elected Mayor and Hugh Cleaver for Reeve. Nelson Township same as last year. but Reeve Emery was defeated in Flamboro by Peter Ray.

Jan 7th Having a few holidays now

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