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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919

Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 21.pdf

Revision as of Nov 26, 2024, 2:41:19 PM, created by

Feby 17th Was down to Lodge tonight. had a few good games cards. Sir Wilfred Laurier died tonight at Ottawa.

Feby 18th. Had quiet a snow storm in the night. Got 300 bags and 20 apple barrels from Gravenhurst

Feby 19th Had Mrs & Miss B. for dinner sorry I had to work. putting in 11 quart. baskets.

Feby 20th Getting in Berry crates bought a bunch from Furnival New in Hamilton. looks like a big north east storm coming.

Feby 21st Mild with a little rain. finished getting in Berry crates got 728 from Hamilton at 15 cts. also have 7500 11 qt baskets in. went up to the city tonight on the Radial. (first time since last winter)

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