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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919
Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 33.pdf
Revision as of Nov 27, 2024, 2:38:56 PM, edited by
in the cherry orchard. Planted 4500 Tomato plants out today.
May 28th Cultivated seed Onions very wet and hard Sowed Parsnips. Hoed Strawberries. Fine & Warm Sowed Parsnips seed.
May 29th Sowed Carrott seed at just a little larger hole than Onion hole in drill started planting out Prizetaker Onions.
May 30th Finished planting Onions. very warm.
May 31st. Planted Patch Tomatoes in Johns Field. also started planting Peppers. very warm yet.
June 1st Went to Oddfellows service in Hamilton this afternoon had tea in Ham. and drove out to the beach after church.
June 2nd Planted marrows & some squash out of hot beds and finished planting sweet peppers, very warm.
June 3rd. Cultivated Onions and got ground ready for Tomatoes.
June 4th Finished planting Tomatoes very warm
June 5 Finished planting peppers. getting very dry now.
June 6th started spraying seems to be lots of Pears and cherries but