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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919

Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 37.pdf

Revision as of Nov 27, 2024, 4:53:06 PM, created by

July 3rd Very warm. weeding and cultivating onions some reports say 98 in the shade

July 4th. Big fight between Williard & Demsey today in Toledo. very warm & dry. Picked two crates of Raspberries. sold at 40¢

July 5th Very warm about 100 in the shade had an awful Thunder Storm. and heavy wind and rain, but the rain would do a lot of good.

July 6th Cool today. had a nice shower about noon. Had Will Bell and family over for dinner.

July 7th Fine and cool. picked 17 crates Rasps.

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