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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1918 & 1919

Franklin McMillan 1918 & 1919 52.pdf

Revision as of Nov 28, 2024, 6:43:28 PM, edited by

Nov 18th Went to market with the car had 10 boxs small Cauliflowers sold at $2 00 box. Had some squalls of snow and rain in the afternoon. and getting colder.

Nov 19th Snowing this morning from the North East. looks like winter sure

Nov 20th Very cold this morning was at market for the last time this season

Nov 21st Fine and mild started covering strawberries

Nov 22 Fine & mild. was down town at night everything quiet

Nov 23rd Was out for a ride with L.M.B. and had supper at home. went to church as was L.M.s last Sunday to play the organ - Charlie Klinka's wife was buried today. and Muriel Willshire was buried yesterday.

Nov 24 Cold today working in the barn. did not go to Lodge.

Nov 25th Showery today went up to Hamilton in the afternoon. Bot an overcoat. Paid $38 00, also got a Ring and M. L. some Job.

Nov 26th Unloading the fifth car of manure. very cold and cloudy. The news in last nights paper is rotten. Lillie and I have to be vaccinated for Smallpox before we can cross the border. am going to tackle it tomorrow

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