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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1922

Franklin McMillan Diary 1922 11.pdf

Revision as of Oct 14, 2024, 6:50:34 PM, edited by

May 13th Planted Potatoes, Got new Ford Truck cost $925 bright & sunshiny today but very cold wind. feels like frost tonight. some strawberries in blossom and all the plums pears & cherries in full bloom. Have to catch the early train tomorrow morning it starts on daylight time at 550

May 14th. Sunday cool, with strong East winds.

May 15th Fine & warm hoeing old strawberries patch.

May 16th. Hoeing strawberries fine & warm

May 17th: Hoeing strawberries weather showery.

May 18th Dug Blackberries out which had Orange Rust also hoeing strawberries stopped at 4 oclock by rain.

May 19th. Hoeing strawberries showery again. Had Ida over to spend the day.

May 20th.. Rained again about 11 oclock and for the rest of the day, ground getting too wet now. Asparagus $1 75 today.

May 21st Sunday Fine & warm was down to see Uncle Archie he is pretty low. guess he will not last much longer.

May 22nd Fine & warm. went to Hamilton to get some seeds. basket fasteners etc. men hoeing Cabbages cut 12 bskts {baskets} asparagus sold at $3.25 bskt {basket} in Toronto

May 23rd Planted yellow corn & pumpkins, & marked ground for Tomatoes.

May 24th Planted cukes. also sowed carrots again too thin last time. sowed first 12 rows next orchard and last part half {way}

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