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James Cameron Diary, 1871
James Cameron 1871 Diary 19.pdf
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Mr James Cameron Island
August 1st 1871 Lammas Day Mowing on the Pitt Point Fixing Fence caught a good many pickerel Creed sick the 2 Boys Mowing and cocked 37 cocks very warm
2nd gave them the upper Field on the haves Stebbin and Josey came Creed went home with Josey Gordon Randolph and I went to see if the scow was on Alexis Island Mary's birthday 1864 commenced to stack help them to stack
3rd commenced Payne Charlie and I went to Summerstown for 1 gallon of H Wines Cannons Firing to Day seen Sandy Snider on the Front Payne treated me in Summerss
4 went to Alexis Island
5th stocking I went to Summerstown I went to see John Carey got 7 Dollars from him he owes me 2 on the Lambs yet gave AJ Baker 3 1/2 to give to Bill McLeod the other 3 1/2 I gave to Thomas Monroe got 50 lb of flour on credit from AJ Baker Bought 2 lb butter at 17 cents 1 Bowl 7 cents matches 1 cent tobacco 4 cents paid this with 50 cents - a White Bowl)
6th Randolph's Birth Day 1867 Sunday a fine day Liz Laflesh and John Snider here had a Bottle stopt till evening
7th Gathered 6 cocks about finished all the stacks they took up all their Rigging and went off Forgot their hay Fork about 40 cocks in Paynes stack I put 8 cocks of my own in and 40 cocks of Paynes 55 cocks in the Barn now
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Mr James Cameron Island
August 8th 1871 found a pine tree in the upper field above the house it's about 2 ft high now pain and I found it when clearing a place to build his stock yesterday the 7th the Harris here camping at the head of the island a large party of them some from New York and some of them from Chicago they came on Monday the 7th 7th a very windy time day heavy rain loud thunder and sharp lightning when Eric's party was coming from Christy's Island they very near got swamped Christopher McRae and Josie gallernia fishing I showed them the spot for pickerel mowed the road in rushes beside the marsh on Monday the 7th caught one bass two perch two pickerel or walleye Pike as some call them 9th went I went to fish caught one Gordon and Ito head of the Island the herricks went off lost a vest George bozal came with his horse we went with the ark for the bowl on Alexis Island and this morning Jim Hopkins took him away I knew nothing about it till Josie gallernia told us after going up to the horse Island Josie put me across I gave him stuff for a paddle