James Cameron Diary, 1871


James Cameron Diary, 1871


James Cameron


Courtesy of Queen's University Archives






19th Century, Glengarry County, McMaster's Island Township, Ontario

Date Created

January 1871


Scanned Manuscript


4 Page of This Leaf

Mr James Cameron plan Jany 20 1871 Some cold went to the Bush came home John Hamilton came to Draw Drew 3 loads took Dinner at Hamiltons turned milder a change in the moon a Great many EEl Fishing spearing A Great many crofsing the ice a circle around the sun Livinca not well

21st A Fine Day went to Sumerston John Drew a Load of Wood to the house a Frenchman here got fire to cook on the ice their EEls took Dinner Lafleshes his name high Wind to night changed to the north A Treat at summerston from Art Baker

Sunday 22nd cold and Windy

23rd very very cold and Frosty

24th Charles Tuppers Birthday a cold Day chopping 2 Beeches in the Bush

25th Went to Art Bakers Bought Flour 100 Tin Kettle A Pair of Boots for Gordon 8 lbs Pork 1 Dozen of Herring 2lb Butter a Bottle of ink Lead pencil took supper at Hamiltons a fine night a circle around the sun to Day seen Andy McArthur at hamiltons Helping Andrew with the Wine

No 5

James Cameron Island Jny 26th 1871 very cold and stormy the cat kicked the Bucket

27th John Hamilton came down with my Flour Pork and Herring Mr Stebbins came with 2 span of horses for the hay John took 2 Loads Blustery weather to Day

28th John Drew 2 loads took a Load of Wood

29th Sunday snowing Began to use the marsh hay of the East mow

30th John Hamilton and William Lavelette and Boy here took 5 loads Isacc Blondeau Married to day

31st Fine Day William Lavelette got some Fine Hay William and his Boy Chopping Went to Summerston Bought of Art Baker 1 lb Tea 2/6 took Dinner at Hamiltons got a Ride Down from Dan Rookey

1st of Feby splitting the Big Beech Logs Gordon and I John took a Load him and Tommy choppin stove Wood

2nd Went to Summerston Bought of A J Baker 10 lbs Pork 1 Doz Herring 2 yds of Cotton 1 Pint HW Pepper 1 Bunch of Matches {illegible} 1 Plug Yole sundries spool Thread the Mill at Hamiltons Mill at Kenneths seen Colquhoun

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Mr James Cameron Island Feb 3 1871

Fine Day snowing East Wind Wind changed to the West stormy Drifting in the Bush Gordon and I cut Down and chopped a Beech (got a Paper from Dan yesterday)

4th very cold and Frosty North Wind and cold to night

Sunday the 5th Very Frosty and Windy Freezing hard Full Moon this morning but no change only Cold West Wind house Warm But Burning wood

6th very Cold and Frosty cutting Hemlog stove Wood Mr Urquhart the Presbyterian minister Departed in Cornwall

7th not so cold a Fine Day the water Raising some near shore Peter Bosell came with Gordons axe handle I went to the Post Office sent some Papers to Charlie and funeral Card Left 3 papers for Tom Davis got Postage Stamps put on sent a Letter to John got a Letter from him with 5 Dollars in it Registered signed my name to the Post Office Books 1/2 Gallon of oil seen Mr Phillips spoke to him about the Duty of the Gun a Treat at Davids sundries at A J Bakers 10 cents Went over with Walter Colquhoun to George Renshaws stopt at John Hamiltons coming home took supper there John and his Wife in the concefsion seen Mrs Cattanach

ury 7 James Camerson Island

Feb 8 1871

8th Gordon's Birth Day in the Bush chopping stove wood

9th in the Bush Kind of soft went Down to the Sturgeon pland to Look for the Pot we gave to an EEl fisher with Fire in it to keep themselves warm or cook their EEls on the ice his name is Laflesh did not find it

10th Jim Hopkins here and George Grant

11th Went to Art Bakers Bought 2 yds of Calico 18 cents 36" 2 Yds 18 cents 36 Thread Black and White 10 cents cash 3 Quarts of syrup 56 cents Got a Ride Down from I Hamilton he is Drawing a Load of Hay for Tom Kennedy Did not wait for the mail to Day Got a Hooker of Gin from John Hamilton

Sunday 12th Preaching on the Front a change in the moon 3 Quarter East Wind cold some

13 Drawing Wood Went to the Store Bought of A J Baker 1/2 lb Tea 1/3

14th St Valentines Day Bought of AJ Baker Treat 10 cents 1 plug Tobaco 5 cents the Balla{cut off} Tom David here got their John {illegible}

15th Roses got a Load of Marsh hay 1 1/2 Tons got 2 Bags of Potatoes gave Willie Moore Carew and the Story of the Red Fox

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Mr James Cameron Island

16th Feby 1871 8

Went to Summerstown got a Ride up From John Hamilton Brought the Tin Kettle home to AJ Baker Bought 100 lbs Flour 4 Dollars 9 lbs Pork 1-12 1/2 1 Doz Herrings 25 cents 4 yds Calico at 15 60 cents 1 1/2 Wincey at 10d 25 cents 1 spool 7 cents 6" 22 1/2 Called at John Hamiltons to tell him to take Down my Flour From the store

17th John Hamilton took Down my Flour Bonville and son and Dupee here Fishing EEls Wanting to Buy Hay a Fine Day seen 4 Wild Geese going Down Flying very Low very Early for the Geese to go Down Allen Roys wife at Lancaster Buried to Day

18th James Hughs Birth Day Raining High Wind this Morning Gordon went to Bosells Paid Peggy 10 cents for the Tobacco Got some Tobacco Fixing sticks under the Boat

19th Sunday A Fine Day seen a Man coming Down the River skating crossed over to Brunstons

20th in the Bush cutting a Load of Wood not very well

21st Went to Summerstown thinking of Going to salmon River Bought of AJ Baker 10 cents of Fine salt seen Barney Baker a Treat 20 cents Maggie Summers Poorly had the Doctor from Cornwall got a Ride Down from John Hamilton took Peter's Fanning Mill Down Mr Grimshaw at Hamiltons told William Lavellette to come for Hay Got a about the Eyesight from John James in at Kenneths

ury 9

James Cameron Island

Feb 22nd 1871

Ash Wednesday Washingtons Birthday William Lavellets Wife here for Hay I went to George Bosells for his coat got some Tobacco from George cutting Stove Wood

23rd Went to Hovington Taking up the Remains of old Mr Donald Cameron Carpenter and his Wife taking Them to Lancaster to Be Buried in his Fathers Grave speaking to Mr Ward about a stove Went up to the Grist Mill to Get a Ride home from J Hamilton Wrote a Letter in Congdons to John in N York at Mr Craigs Meeting at Summerston the Minstrels there Got My Book from Mrs Rose Robert Bruce in to see John the Gun to Be sent to John Cameron Fort Covington took James Grants Grist and Andrew Roses Grist home seen Angus at Summers

24th in the Bush Gordon went home with George Bosells coat A Fine Day

25th A Fortunate Day not very well

26th Sunday Begginning to take the ice Down to Lancaster

27th in the Bush went to head of the Island Windy

28th last Day of Feby Dan Cameron and A Cameron Captain here Looking for oak I went to Sumerstown Bought of AJ Baker 17 lbs Pork 1 1/2 Doz Herrings 1 lb Tea 1/2 yd Calico 1/2 Gal syrup got a Ride Down to Bosells with the Mail Boy took Dinner at Bosells got the Loan of Georges hand sleigh got a Peice of Tobacco from the old Lady Mr Craigs Meeting in Williamstown to night Mr McPhee took over a Drove of Horses to the Boston Market

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Mr James Camerson Island

1st March 1871 St Davids Day the Festival of the Welsh March came in very Windy hail Rain and snow and Fine I am very unwell to Day in Bed Most of the Day after coming from the Bush cut 10 Blocks for Troughs had to come home as I am very unwell

2nd Fine in the Morning turned stormy East wind Heard crows this Morning Gordon went with the Handsleigh for a peice of Cedar for spoils ice slippery salting the cattle these Days as they are continually eating the old Grafs I not very well

3rd not very well Raining Snowing Made a Rocker for the cradle of Oak

4th a Very Fine Day Went to Summerstown got a Paper From Charlie some Better to Day a Good Deal of Travelling on the Ice to Lancaster 3 Loads of hay came up water Raising on the salmon River Frank Semo came arofs J Broke in close to the shore up above the Marsh Caribous men Drawing a stack from George Renshaws Expecting Mr Ward to come to Day with the Stove Did not come

5th Sunday A fine Day Thawing some some cutters crofsing Summers's Road and some to Lancaster Gordon and I Put some Bushes so to Keep any one going the way of the hole at the shore


Mr James Cameron Island

March 6th 1871

Raining snowing Bonville and Dufren here the Dog stole their Bag of Provision I Gave them a Loaf of Bread I went to Peter Grants for to see if I would Get his sugar Pot went to the store Seen Francis the Indian Bought 2 Bunches of Matches Got a Ride Down from John Hamilton Heard about William McLeod and his servant Girl A Great Deal of hay Going over the River the ice on salmon River Broke Down to the Lines Barbara Cameron Poorly now Heard Mr Gadbois in Williamstown Departed

7th Peter Bosell came to tell me to wait till the afternoon and George would come over for the hay George did not come nor Peter Grant did not come waiting all Day for them

8th George Bosell came for a load of hay about a 1/2 a Ton charged him 2 Dollars cut 3 ash Logs for Troughs went to Sumerstown Measured the Wood went to Peters Bought of A J Baker 1/2 lb Salts 1 Pint of H Wines a Treat from Pete Mr Gatbeau in Williamstown Buried to Day Blackbirds and Wild Geese cem

9th George Bosell came to Make trough made 35 or 36 and has Blocks cut to Make 50 A Fine Day soft Maples Runs Races on Salmon River to Day and tomorrow

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Mr James Cameron Island

March 10th 1871

Raining went to the Bush George did not come till the afternoon to cut wood for the sugar camp John Hamilton and Willie Rose here gave John some Poles with George and Peter in the Bush

11th Went to Summerston Bought of J I Baker 10 yrds Cotton 3/4 yd of surge 1/2 lb Tea 2 Doz Herrings 3 Bunches Matches told Andrew to Pay Peter 2/1/2 seen Bill Morris with a Waggon Looking for hay Promised to come Down for hay Took Dinner at Hamilton John Came Down with 2 Bags of Potatoes albout 3 1/2 Bushels took me home some wood Ice Getting Bad near shore Good in the channel George Began to Tap and Drawing wood to the sugar camp digging out some of the Troughs Gordon and I Old Angus M Donald on the Point Poorly Wild Geese and Ducks Plenty grey Birds and Black Birds came Gulls Flying to the east

12th On this Day of the Month Donald McMaster first came to the Island Gathering sap with George in the Bush about 17 Pails Raining Foggy

13th Peggy and George came sugared 19 lbs we got 7 1/2 lb and George got 11 1/2 Drawing Troughs


Mr James Cameron Island

March 14th 1871 nomination Day for Members George went for Peters Pot in th Morning Gordon in the Bush all Day ice opened at Francis Island Made Sugar in the Bush Broke the Big Black canoe Keeping the catle in so they will not go to the Bush Heard Peter Baker went off yesterday Heard that Walter Baker Bought the House on Suples Place for 300 Dollars Heard that Willim McLeods wife would not come Back to live with him

15th chopping stove wood Took some Boards to the Bush Frosty cold some East Wind ice opening slow Fixing the Fence at the West shed as the sheep jumps over sugared of to Day some Ducks Wild Geese and Grey Birds and Black Birds crows came

16th in the Bush sugared of

17th St Patrick Fishing EEls got 2 sugared off Hughann came

18th in the Bush with George HughAnn and Gordon in the Bush a Great sap Day Runs well George and I Boiling at night The Fox Left on the Island Heard him tonight Keeping in the sheep and Heifer for fear of them Going to the sap

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Mr James Cameron Island

March 19th 1871 19 Sunday Made sugar to Day Took home 34 lbs of sugar to Day and 11 1/2 lb the First time which makes 45 1/2 lb he got George and Peggy crofsed in a canoe ice going Down very slow seen Fan Tailed Blackbirds this is the Last Day of Winter Spring commences tomorrow and a Fine Winter Day it is Seen no Muskrats yet as the ice is not clear from the shore A Lamb

20 First Day of Spring a Fine Day E Wind Gordon and I Gathered 12 Pails of sap George could not crofs

21st Election in Williamstown I crofsed for the first time this spring in a canoe to Summerstown Left my Canoe at Hamilton Island George Bosell Brought me 2 Letters this Morning and a Paper Got another Letter to Day with 3 Dollars inclosed sent a Letter to John Bought of AI Baker postage stamps paper and envelopes starch Raining and Blowing the ice Good Between Renshaws and Summerstown Mr Craig elected for Member

22nd Levinia Birth Day sugaring off in the Bush


Mr James Cameron Island

March 23 1871

one of the White Ewes a Black Lamb snowing some made 2 Gallons of Mollasses for us Gordon and I to the Sturgeon Island Lashey and George Fishing EEls ice going Down snow George and Peter crofsed Peggy stopt all night

24th Gordon and I to the Head of the Island some snow George and Peter came cutting Brush a Fortunate Day they went home to night

25th Old Lady Day Annunciation of the Virgin Mary I Gathered 20 Pails of samp High West Wind cutting Brush Gordon Down at the apple Trees ice all round the shore could not come to the sugar to Day with the high Wind

26th 2 Lambs to Day 1 Black one set Fire to the south part of the Island in or about the centre near shore Went to the Black Horse Island Henery in the Bush Duval son in the Bush and Georges Wife Peggy not Well George took what sugar that was weighed home East wind a fine Day Gordon in the Bush all Day

27th stormy East Wind and snow a young Winter Gathered 4 pails of snow sap

28th Went to Summerstown Bought of AJ Baker Tobacco Tea Matches paid sold my 20 lbs of sugar to Peter Grant at 12 1/2 24 bls Flour 1 pair Hens 16 Eggs A Dollar to Be paid yet small Boat crofsed to Salmon River Sunday

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Mr James Cameron Island

March 29th 1871 Went to Fort Covington Peter Bosell a I Got the Doble Barrell Gun Paid for the Freight 2 1/2 Dollars to james Cameron Went Down to John Cameron's House he was not around Home Bought at Dundee 65 lbs of Flour From Dell Rae Bought of D Baker or Robert 1/2 lb sugar 7 1/2 cents 11 lb Pork 1/2 lb crackers 2 Gimlets in to see Donald Suple Entered the Gun at the Custom House to Mr Phillips Isacc Hoingbacks Wife Buried to Day The water very Low in Salmon River a Great Deal of ice Going Down the Lake Mr Phillip and some other Gentlemen shooting at a Mark on the Water From the Custom House Down about 300 yards would think some Pretty Good shots made about 42 lbs sugar to Day

30th Fixed the Pine saw Log Moved the Double Stove in the House Bruce and another Indian Here all night gave Bruce 2 sticks for Fork Handles sold them 2lbs sugar 15 a lb Got 2 EEls from him Wrote a Letter for George Bosell to Mr Kain Gave George 5 cents to Pay the Postage Fired the First shot out of the DB Gun shoots well did not sugar off to Day a Great Deal of sap tried to take up the Boat But it Leaks too much Peggy here

31st in the Bush A White Got the 5 cents from George took away some more of his sugar thats 443 lb he says is made now made to Day about 80 lbs


Mr James Cameron Island

April 1st 1871 Wrote a Letter to send to John But I Did not Go to the P.O to Day all Fools Day

2nd a Fine Day Mr Gray and Mr Empy here sold 8 lb of sugar to Mr Gray Wanting a canoe Peggy alone in the Bush Georges wife there in the Morning Gordon and I went around the Island in the small canoe

Palm Sunday to Day

3rd Monday Put out 2 canoes took home a Load of Wood in the Fishing EEls Got 4 a Lamb one of the Black Sheep made about 48 or 50 lbs of Sugar to Day set Fire to the Sturgeon Island Gordon and I a great many Fishing EEls East Wind

4th Went with m y Letter to the P.O a Great Day in Summerstown a Fighting and Quarrelling a Dirty Muddy Fight in the Mud Jos Laplant and Murdy Grant such another 2 Looking objects with mud all over the Face Eyes nose ears mouth and Body head and hair no Man or Woman ever seen the Like

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Mr James Cameron Island

April 4th 1871 continued Gray and Tom Summers had some Words would be a Fight may for McLeod threatening to Put a Heavy fine on them Duncan Cameron Ben Doren and John Mangum going to Fight it s a Story Day at Summerstown to Day Bought of AI Baker sugar crackers and Cheese 5 lb shot 10 Box of Caps I got them for 10 cents 1 plug of Tobacco 4 cents Got Dollar frim Mr Gray in his house seen Mr Stebbins and Mr Spooner Got a Paper from Andrew sen Dans Doghers in at {illegible} Men here to Day Drove down with the Wind one of them is Empy Rainbow tonight Rained Blew and hailed to Day 6 cents Postage for the Letter made 2 Gallons of Molasses 1/2 for us Frose some to night J Laplante Bought a cow from George Snider for 4 Dollars as she has a sore Foot got 2/6 on the Bargain

5th Fixing my Gun Riggings Tom Munroe came home

19# 1871 April 6th

Mr James S Cameron Island

6th Fishing EEls Gordon and I got 5 Gathering their sap in the Bush On the Kitt Kitt Island

7th Went to Summerstown brought home Peter Grants Bag Got A Paper from Charlie Went out to A Camerons for Downs Elixir they had none then went to Williamstown in at James McDonald McRory in the Glen Got 2 Bottles of the Elixer at Mr Burtons Mary Poorly with the Rheumatism at treat at A Camerons and he treated 3 or 4 times 10 cents to AI Baker Angus on the Front

Good Friday and a Fine Day it is the sap runs well to Day East Wind and changed to West

8th came from Williamstown Got a lb of Tea from EElery took Dinner at Walter Bakers A treat at Summerss Walter and I seen Angus came from Cornwall Skinned 2 Rats for Tom Sumners Came Down to Henerys stopt all night

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1871 20#

Mr James S Cameron Island

April 5th Henery 3 Boys put me acrofs Let my canoe at Summerston as the wind was too high

Easter Sunday the sap dont run very well today Did not see the sun this morning A Dont Dance a sighn of a hard year Rained some East Wind changed to the West in a squall

10th George and Peggy and Peter Boiling in the Bush A Gallon a Peice nearly Gordon and I Burning on the inside of the Pitt Point Fence Ticks came and snaked Loons canoe Pewits or Revey came ice Going Down in cakes yet ice in the Bay and marsh George took home his sugar Gave him a stick for an oar Lent them A Bag eat Wild Onions to Day Wounded 2 Ducks Dugt a Peice at the stable some Frost in the Ground Began the Good Hay on Sunday for the cattle shut up Set 3 Traps for Muskrats for the first this Spring

11th snowing Rain East Wind Got a Rat for the First

12th Got a Rat Fixing Lane Fence Frost to night

13th Lashey here Crofsed with Peggy to sugar Bush Henerys Boys wanting wood Gave him a stick for spear handle shot a Duck did not Get it


Mr James Cameron Island

April 14 1871 crofsed for my canoe to Summerstown left the canoe I crofsed in at the head of Hamiltons Island Heard that Mr George McGilvrarys wife Departed to Day the Sef{illegible} Collector on the Front to Day Bought of AI Baker 1 Bottle of R R Relief 25 nutmegs 3 Tole -4 Barley 10 Thread - 7 Paint 37 1/2 sundries 10 oil 12 1/2 Raisins 2 H Wines 25 Pot 25 Mat1 Handkerchief 12 Bought of James Grant Bushel of Lime 12 1/2 Got for 10 cents Go 2 Boxes from A I Bakers Wife to carry the Lime took Down the 2 campes

15th Gordon and I to Is Lamays the Watchmaker Living on the Brunston Place Left my watch with him to fix to charge me 6/3 Bought 1 1/2 Bushels of Potatoes at 40 cents a Bushel 60 got them By weight Kept us to Diner seen a Wild Turkey he had shot the First ever seen it must have bee one that strayed away from it nature Place it Weight is 11 lbs as it Travelled a Great ways and it eye out 1 of them it must Lost a Good Deal of its Weight shot a Duck

16th Low Sunday Sandy & Is semo henerys 2 Boys 1 of Williams Boys here wanting a canoe and Gun Gave Sandy semo My Dog Bruce snow to Day hail East Wind and West

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Mr James Cameron Island

17th April 1871 Put out my Boat Went to G Renshaws with 13 lbs of sugar Got 2 Bushels of Potatoes at Hamiltons of Georges Potatoes Paid AI Baker 25 cents for the Pot R Quit making the sugar made 1 Quart of syrup for the Last they made Frost tonight seen Peter Spink on the Front Bought Pat Purcells Farm for 4000-500 Dollars

18th Our Duncans Birth Day Painting my Boat Gordon Gathering sap Tapt 12 Trees for him

19th First Steamer went Down the St Helens Gordon Andrews Boiling in the sap 6 Pails Light in the Lighthouses 1/2 Gallon Hugh Ann Randolph in the Bush Let out the Heifer and sheep Fixing the Fence setting Fires found a 1/2 of a Barrel Burnt 3 Good hoops on it set Fire to the Backmarsh on the north West side of the Island shot a Duck did not get it Lightning tonight

20th Went with Lashey to his Line Heavy Rain Thunder and Lightning took the Pine Log to the Front of the Door Put out my Boat a Lot of shooting to Day something took away 1 of my Traps Last night got the chain I think it must be the Fox got his Leg in it and Broke the chain Found a Ducks egg in the Front march Got a sturgeon from Lashey Sent him my Gaff

21st Highlander went Down no Tow Finished Digging the Back Garden Shot a Duck

22nd Passport went Down First Raft went down before the Door took the heife and sheep home to salt them Towing Propeller went Down and came up


James Cameron 1871 Diary   1.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   2.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   3.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   4.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   5.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   6.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   7.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   8.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   9.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   10.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   11.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   12.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   13.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   14.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   15.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   16.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   17.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   18.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   19.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   20.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   21.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   22.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   23.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   24.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   25.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   26.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   27.pdf
James Cameron 1871 Diary   28.pdf


James Cameron, “James Cameron Diary, 1871,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed July 16, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/444.
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