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James Cameron Diary, 1871
James Cameron 1871 Diary 21.pdf
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Mr James Cameron Island
September 1st 1871 went to AJ Bakers to 1 1/2 Dozen of Eggs one Plug tobacco the rest in tea (to 2 lb of shot on credit) took dinner at T Monroes speaking to Captain Newton of the Barge Griswold about the manure let him have my Boat to go and meet the Adolphus she passed up here this morning to go for Fort Covington Lacrofs Club to play in Lancaster I crofsed with Thomas Monroe to Dundee with the 4 or 5 of the Connors Tyo Fixing his shed George and Pete Bosell here seen Mr Herrick told him I found his vest
2nd very warm fine Day very warm Gordon and I left Kit Island Rofs and Butternut shot a Duck did not get it found a couple of staves took dinner on Rofs Island killed some Black snakes But I did not look after them much as it was shoes I had on if it was my Boots I would look after them more a Great Deal of shooting around Christees and Alexis
3rd Dans Birth Day and a fine Day it is very warm
4th Went to Cornwall with AJ Baker William McLeod's wife Poorly Dr Shaver attending
5th John Angus's Birth Day commenced taking up the Potatoes got 1/2 lb tea 1 lb sugar from AJ Baker the Day I went to Cornwall took my Dinner and supper there
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Mr James Cameron Island
September 5th 1871 commence the Potatoes took up 20 Bushels to Day
6th this is the Last of the Dog Days at the Potatoes took up 10 bushels to Day shot some Ducks
7th very Windy Babel and his wife called here as they were going to {illegible} gave them some Potatoes took 10 Bushels thats 40 bushels out of this Peice Besides what we eat since Killed some Ducks shot a hawk
8th Fishing got Duck Fixing the ashes in Bags went around the island seen Captain Newton at Barge aground loaded with hops and Leach and Ashes sneaking to the Bay Smith the steamer Adolphus came up and assisted in taking them off
10th Sunday George and Jim Nicholson here {illegible} 6 {illegible} timber for Stickland Boat and wanting to Buy Marsh Bay although it is Sunday
11th Went out with my ashes to James Grant had 3 1/2 bushels 15 cents a bushel I bought of AJ Baker 2 lb shot 20 cents 1/2 lb powder 20 cents 1 {illegible} tobacco 4 cents Tin Cup 7 cents a great Pic Nic on Burnt House Point for Sunday school children Peter B Grant wanted his Pot seen Luke Bowen crofsed for Thomas {illegible} shares as John Barretts was wanting him 40 Days Devotion in Williamstown now