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Ellamanda Krauter Maurer Diary, 1927


Revision as of Apr 9, 2024, 6:41:02 PM, created by

January, 1927

4 Tuesday. Quite mild. Snowed all day. Walter was away butchering at Jos. Gingrich all day. Vernon took a load of grist to Addison Riest, and got it chopped. Mrs. Conrad Schmidt died at Elmirastedy.

5 Wednesday. Colder & snowing and blowing. Walter went to Earnests and Elmer this p.m. Ella visited Mrs. Elmer King and Walter's Elsas were with there for tea.

6 Thursday. Very stormy. Walter went to Elmira this morning. Ezra Mauver brought 4 pigs home for him and was here for dinner.

7 Friday. Clear and very cold. 10 below zero this morning. We butchered a pig for ourselves today. Noah Miller helped this forenoon and was here for dinner. Clarence and Lloyd Fahrenhole called on Walter this p.m. Mrs. Schmidt was buried this afternoon.

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