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Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary, 1908


Revision as of Dec 18, 2023, 1:12:45 AM, created by


91. Boyd Farm. 71 Acres; Cramp Farm. 29 acres; bought by Robins, Ltd., and not to be subdivided.

92. A. Grant Farm, 90 acres; bought by Robins, Ltd., not for immediate suvdivision.

93. P. Milne Farm, 180 acres; bought by Robins Ltd., not for immediate subdivision.

94. Mrs. Bell Farm of 110 acres; bought by Robins Ltd., not for immediate subdivision.

95. S. Turner Farm of 60 acres; bought by Robins, Ltd., and not for immediate subdivision.

96. A. Mather Farm of 160 acres; bought by Home Smith at $500 an acre.

97. Jesse Cain Farm of 30 acres; sold at $1,000 an acre.

98. James Wardlaw Farm of 100 acres; sold to Dr. Irwin of Weston for $20,000..

99. J. Watson Farm of 150 acres; sold to the Dovercourt Land & Savings Co., at $1,800 an acre, or $270,000.

100 and 101. Gracey and Coulter Farms; option held by Goulding & Hamilton.

102. Marshall Farm; bought by C. Garfunkel of Neepawa street, 40 acres.

103. Six farms, comprising 600 acres; bought by Sir Henry Pellatt, including farms of S. Maclean, H. Wardlaw, T. Riley, Weston Improvement Co., Th. Hally, and D. Rowntree.

104. O. Bales Farm; sold to Dr. Bruce Maccdonald for $60,000; in all 126 acres.

105. Block of about 1,200 acres of land, said to be held by Canadian Northern Railway for purposes of a freight yard and model townsite.

106. Donlands, property of W. F. Maclean, M.P.; about 1,00 acres.

107. Major Wadsworth Farm, 300 acres; bought by Securities, Ltd.

108. Jackson Farm, 95 acres; sold to Col. A. E. Gooderham.

109. A. Mercer Farm, 150 acres; sold for $27,000.

110. C. Mercer Farm, 90 acres; sold for $25,000.

111. Jno. Jefferson Farm, 100 acres; sold for $16,000.

112. A. Kingdom Farm, 100 acres; sold for $23,000.

113. Newlove Bros.' Farm, 100 acres; sold for $20,000.

115. Jas. Nesbitt Farm; sold to Robins, Ltd., 200 acres, for $43,800.

116. A. G. Goulding Farm; sold at about $45,000, in all 200 acres, now reselling at from $300 to $400 an acre.

117. T. A. Russell property, 40 acres; bought from Isaac Harrison.

118. Grandview, laid out and sold by Jackson & James 22 years ago at the time of the boom for garden plotsat from $250 to $300 an acre.

119. The Hartley Farm, 225 acres; sold to Sir H. M. Pollatt for $40,000.

120. F. McMahon Farm. 100 acres; sold at $500 per acre.

121. Mason Estate, 132 acres; sold for $39,600.

130. Block B, Plan 1255. To be opened by A. O. White of the Commerical Realty Co., at $30 per foot.

131. T. Johnson Farm, 12 acres; sold to Mrs. E. Ewing for $16,000.

132. Wells Farm, 11 acres; sold to Keystone Land Co. for $16,000.

133. Cook Estate, 50 acres; sold to H. A. Scott of Listowel for $50,000.

134. Farm of Fred and David Mulholland, 150 acres; sold to syndicate for $110,000.

135. F. & D. Mulholland property, 150 acres; syndicatehas option for $115,000.

136. Armour Estate, 70 acres; sold to Robins, Limited; not on market.

138. Umbleby Farm, 30 acres; sold by Keystone Lands, Ltd.

139. C. Cockshutt farm of 100 acres; sold at $800 an acre, or $80,000.

141. Scott Estaet of 70 acres; sold by Messrs. Goulding & Hamilton at $150,000.

142. A five acre subidivision, owned by W. N. McEachren & Co., selling at $20 per foot.


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