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Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary, 1908


Revision as of Dec 16, 2023, 3:37:02 PM, edited by

Wed Jan 1. New Years Day._, fine day a little colder. Mother and the girls also Willie and his family here to spend the day. Austin Robinson and Miss Richardson here for tea. Aunt Mattie not at home.

Thurs Jan 2. Fine day a little colder. Lunch took auntie to W.A. and brought Auntie back. Mr and Mrs Johnson here for tea.

{Dark X marked above the date to the left}Fri Jan 3. Fine day thawing a little. I went to call and see Annie Teasdale. Fred Reid helping Ernele.

Sat Jan 4. Rather stormy in the morning. Lunch took me to the Rink, the ice rather soft.

Sun Jan 5, Beautiful day. Frosty. Uncle and Aunti at church. I went to League and for a drive. From Reid came {rot?} at night.

Mon Jan 6. Fine day. Tom in Toronto with Farley. Jim Fazz here for tea.

Tue Jan 7. Fine and quilt mild. Aunt Nellie went to Toronto and Aunt Mattie and she came home in the evening. The men at Willie's thrashing in the afternoon.

Wed Jan 8. Fine and mild. Willie's finished thrashing The machine came over here the men did not stay at night.

Thurs Jan 9. Fine but very cold. We thrashed.{Words "zero first time" written above We thrashed.} finished early.

Fri Jan 10. Fine but cold East wind. Men cutting feed until noon.

Sat Jan 11. Uncle away at Hesrick. I went to mother for tea, and to the Rink. came home with her.

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