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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923

Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 7.pdf

Revision as of Nov 5, 2024, 5:30:25 PM, edited by

that makes the 2nd tie game this winter, will likely have to play again.

Feby 7th ordered four cars hotbed manure. for Feby 20 March 1st 10th & 15th also a few Seeds in states from Condor Bros. Rockford. Ill {Illinois}. 1 oz N. Victory Peppers 1 lb Big Tom Pumpkin 1 oz Cannon Ball Cabb{age}. Stokes Seed Farms Co. moosetown NJ. 4 oz Ruby Giant 1 oz neapolitan pepper 1 oz Copenhagen mkt cabbages

Feby 8th Mild today. heavy south west winds + thawing. Hockey team Ham. beat Oakville in the third game to break tie score, score 5 to 2 last night.

February 9th Colder again and very icy. Went to Ham. on bus and got a pair of truck chains.

February 10th Bright + cool but thawing in the sun went to Hamilton to {?} for two loads orange crates got 287 at 10¢ – $28.70, also got 3000 –11qts in from Glovers. Got truck license today cost $25.

February 11th Sunday. Fair + cold.

February 12th Received 50 Apple from {Huletion} Bros + 71 from Geo Kemp at 25¢. Total cost with freight $39.29. Started storming again from the east tonight. Grimsley won from Ham. beavers on Saturday night which gives Grimsley group honours in, the {?} O.H.A

February 13th Cloudy + cool had Alderson up the Gray Dot. Out trying to sell a cow.

February 14 Very cold, heavy west winds plus snow squalls. No mail man today. Wonder what the trouble can be (too cold)

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