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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923
Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 15.pdf
Revision as of Jun 23, 2024, 8:31:17 PM, created by
6000 cabbage plants. Fine + mild but very high wind. Ottawa one pro Fessional hockey championship in the finals last night with Edmonton. April 3 Cloudy in the morning. Transplanted 4000 tomatoes +2000 hot peppers. Started raining about 3 o’clock. Started work at $14 per week. April 4 Cool + cloudy transplanted 6000 tomatoes +2000 peppers forgot to mention that there was skating at Burlington rink on Good Friday March 30 April 5 Nothing doing cold + raining from the east April 6 Have a bad cold did not go out till noon. Transplanted some more cabbage after dinner. April 7 Finish transplanting cabbages this morning about 10,000 + all. In 40 sashes also done, 12 sausage sashes of ruby giant peppers noon. Sent draft to Maloney Brothers Davisville, New York balance on tree under $145.46. Looks like rain again. April 8 Sunday. Cold, cloudy + windy. Have a cold did not go out. April 9 Cold ground frozen. Illegible due to smudging ice in water pail got a few tomatoes, frozen cut blight out of legible. Pretty bad on the high ground. Transplanted tomatoes in the afternoon. April 10 Fine in the morning went Inyan tile + got 500 tile cost $14.37. Had a snow squall in the afternoon.