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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923

Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 15.pdf

Revision as of Nov 6, 2024, 6:34:47 PM, edited by

6000 Cabbage plants. Fine & mild but very high wind. Ottawa won Professional Hockey Championship in the finals last night with Edmonton.

April 3rd Cloudy in the morning transplanted 4000 tomatoes & 2000 Hot peppers. started raining about 3 oclock. Indian started work at $14.00 per week.

April 4th Cool & cloudy transplanted 6000 more Tomatoes & 2000 peppers. Forgot to mention that there was skating at Burlington Rink on Good Friday March 30th.

April 5th nothing doing cold and raining from the East.

April 6th Have a bad cold. did not go out till noon. transplanted some more Cabbages after dinner.

April 7th. Finished transplanting Cabbages this morning about 10 000 in all. in 40 sashes. also done 12 sashes of Ruby Giant Peppers after noon sent draft to Maloney Bros Dansville N Y. balance on tree order. $145.46. Looks like rain again

April 8th Sunday. cold. cloudy & windy have a cold did not go out.

April 9th.Cold ground frozen. 3/4 in. {inch} ice on water pail got a few tomatoes frozen. Cut Blight out of Bartlett pears. pretty bad on the high ground. transplanted tomatoes in the afternoon.

April 10th Fine in the morning went to the Dominion Tile Co and got 500 - {?} in tile cost $14.37.

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