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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923

Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 17.pdf

Revision as of Nov 6, 2024, 6:53:07 PM, edited by

April 19th Milder, gathered up brush. and drew some manure into Raspberries.

April 20th. Very warm. started team working on farm discing & harrowing Asparagus

April 21st Very warm. started man ploughing for strawberries & trees. Sowed one ounce Cauliflower seed today (as experiment) in hot-bed to try and get them earlier. also uncovered one Strawberry patch. looks like rain tonight the strawberries that are covered are nice & green. the others very brown. {Side note} Cauliflowers turned out very good.

April 22nd Sunday. cooler and cloudy.

April 23rd Uncovering strawberries.

April 24th. same job weather clear and cool.

April 25th Uncovering strawberries weather bright & clear all week. but cool with high. cold winds

April 26th. making hotbeds for transplanting tomatoes last time. Trees arrived this afternoon from Maloney Bros. Dansville N Y. arrived in good shape and look like good trees. weather very warm.

April 27th Planting trees. three of us planted 200 cherry trees today.

April 28th Had a light shower this a.m. finished planting trees. the apple trees are. by Hedge next road. 1st Greening. 2nd Snow. 3rd R. Astrachan 4th Snow. 5th Spy. in the Row down the field 1st is McIntosh 2nd Delicious 3rd Duchess 4th McIntosh 5th Delicious 6th Rome Beauty 7th Yellow Transparent 8th McIntosh 9th Delicious, 10th Wagener

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