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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923

Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 32.pdf

Revision as of Nov 8, 2024, 4:21:03 PM, created by

Sept 14 Very heavy white frost but did no damage here. picking Tomatoes for Canners

Sept 15th Cool yet. picking tomatoes 350 bus {bushel} since Thursday morning. Sold Hart a load of cabbages 60 doz Large at 75¢ 25 doz second growth @ 50¢ also picked 7 barrels Colvert apples sold at $3.00

Sept 16. Sunday Had Carman Bell & family for dinner and went to Ham. for tea very cold coming home afraid it will freeze

Sept 17th. Heavy frost this morning. froze all the tomato vines and touched some of the tomatoes. Picking all day for the factory 250 bus. and shipped 46 bskts.

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