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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1923

Frank McMillan 1923 Diary 33.pdf

Revision as of Nov 8, 2024, 7:23:48 PM, created by

Sept 21 Showery picking tomatoes & peppers cut 12 crates Cauliflowers at $2.00

Sept 22. Saturday very busy Sold Ross Hart 2 tons Cabbages at $35.00 ton. averaged 88 cts a dozen they were extra large. also 40 bags Carrots at $1.00 bag and 34 bskts pears 55¢ and picked 4 barrels Cranberry pippin apples at $3 00 per barrel. the canners drew 150 bus tomatoes picked yesterday

Sept 23rd. Fine & warm. Sunday, was down home for tea.

Sept 24th. Picking pears and 100 bskts tomatoes, 12 crates Cauliflowers 30 x 11 Red peppers sold at $100 {$1.00} 30 x 6 Red peppers sold at 50¢

Sept 25. Picking Sheldon pears 40 bskts at 60¢ also To,atoes for canners.

Sept 26th. not very many orderd today. picked 7 barrels ranberry pippin apples $3.00 per barrel. Fine & mild.

Sept 27th. more orders todsay 50 bskts pears 51 To,atoes 5 caul. 2 bags Cabb.also shipped sp,epeppers and gpot 150 bus toms ready fpr canners. Very warm.

Sept 28. Warm & Showery picking 150 bus to,atoes s,e bskts oears toms & peppers.

Sept 29th. Called Harvester Canning Coy on phone to

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